
Guess what I got sent in the mail!!!! Product talk by Nuffnang is where brands get in touch with Nuffnang and Nuffnang in turn, sends product out to bloggers (like me!) to review!
Cocobella is a new Australian company that bottles pure coconut - and some flavoured - water in convenient tetrapack!
Coconut water contains lots of nutrients and anti-oxidants. Water from young coconuts have very mild flavoured water, and the flavour gets stronger as the coconut matures. Coming from a tropical country, I love the refreshing taste of fresh coconut, and this surprisingly tastes remarkably close to what I remember! I've been looking for suitable and convenient ways to get my coconut fix, and there are some products out there that just taste plain weird.

And simply because I love fresh coconut, Straight Up is my favourite flavour of the lot. It's very light, and it's only 54 calories! I think it's great for a sweet drink fix that's not bad for you.

The Pink Guava is Sean's favourite of the lot, partially cause you can't actually really taste the flavour of the coconut. It's got a nice fruity flavour, but it's more like guava juice rather than coconut juice that's mixed in with some guava.

The Mango is quite similar to the Pink Guava in that you can't really taste the coconut flavour, but the mango is still light and refreshing, and not 'heavy' and saccharine-ly sweet like some other mango juices can be.

And finally, the Pineapple. This one tasted a little odd to me. The pineapple flavour seem to bring out a slightly metallic aftertaste in the coconut water. Not sure though, it could be just me.
Likes: Great refreshing taste, and amazing low in calories! Great for that quick fix in the middle of a dreary afternoon.
Dislikes: I didn't like that the flavoured coconut waters had added sugar - to me most of the fruit that it's paired with has natural sweetness. But, then again, there are quite a few juices out there that have sugar added, so....I'd stick to the Straight Up, which is my favourite anyway!
Cocobella Pure Coconut Water is available at leading supermarkets. Visit Cocobella for more information.
Labels: Product Talk, Reviews
I agree, they shouldn't add sugar at all. I find it really difficult to find 100% pure coconut water in supermarkets, most brands add some sort of sweetener or other stuff.
I tried these when they launched a few months back at a cafe- loved the mango
We have a range of reviews on coconut waters including Cocobella which rates relatively high. Great photos too!
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