Subway's Famous Fans

We live in a world of overwhelming food options. As someone working in the city, I can attest to the complete headache I have every lunch time when I forget to bring my packed lunch. Often, it can be hard to pick something that isn't covered in grease. Well, I've often chosen to have Subway when I've felt like something light, and so was very excited when I was invited to their announcement of their Famous Fans!
Of course, when you attend a food event, you've gotta be fed.
There were canapés, champagne, and a room full of journalists. Banners with portraits of the Famous Fans at their smiling best adorned the walls as everyone engaged in small chit chat before the main event.
To be really honest, I was questioning the validity of Olympic athletes actually eating at Subway with their grueling schedule. Surely their days must be filled with poached chicken and steamed vegetables. After all, I heard in an interview that Hugh Jackman's training schedule involved him eating 6 meals a day of poached chicken to get that Wolverine physique. A not so yummy way of getting to a yummy body.
Well, my questions were soon answered when the athletes themselves made an appearance.

From left: Casey Eastham, James Magnussen, Torah Bright
So the key to it - as with everything - is moderation. Sure, they do choose to refuel with Subway, but they can't do it for absolutely every meal. Which makes sense - you want a variety to get all the nutrients that your body needs right? I guess it's all about making the right choices and balancing out your intake through the entire day. My chat with Gina Kahler, Regional Marketing Director of Subway, also revealed that because Australia has an emphasis on reduced sodium, it can often result in a difference in taste in the Subway across the world. Now I just want to go round the world trying the difference in all the subs. Can you imagine that as an eating project?
Anyway, now on to the fun bit!
We all know that you can make anything a sport. Love to iron? Then you have extreme ironing. Naturally, if you love making subs, well...
Let me introduce to you Subway Jam. It's basically extreme Subway sandwich making. And this dude, is the Aussie champion.

To ensure a consistent product, Subway sandwich artists have to follow strict recipes that detail every last step. And just to add that competitive edge, they have a competition amongst the staff internationally, and the they have to make the subs under a time limit, and get judged on appearance and consistency, as well as how close they follow the recipe. This is serious stuff, and we heard of how staff sometimes stay back after hours to train for this championship.
So what happens when you combine extreme sub-making and athletes? Competition of course!

They all had 3 volunteers as team members each, and then had a mini judging session.
I believe that James' team won, but really, who remembers? It was more tongue in cheek than anything, and was a cute bit of participation. It made me realise how far you have to go to ensure that there is a consistent product, especially with a chain restaurant like Subway. There are, of course, seasonal items like the Moroccan Lamb, but it's great to know that you can go anywhere in the world and expect a staple of the basic, comforting favourites.
Speaking of which, mine's the Italian BMT (lettuce, tomato, olives, jalapeno, onion, not toasted, sweet onion sauce - and I know it's not the healthiest option ;)).
What's yours?
Tambourine of insatiablemunchies attended the announcement of Subway's Famous Fans courtesy of Subway and Hills+Knowlton Strategies.
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